masquerade: September 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
cassMANdra :) 7:47 PM 」

Whoa! I am in amazement again. I finally decided to do something stupid -- stoop down to the level of my school mates and reply to something that they've been debating about. Note: you really have to stoop really low. If it is Kenneth or Hwei Ting, I'm sure they'll ask me not to be bothered by it. LOL. Itchy fingers. Well this is what I said...

It is usually the saying that is easy but carrying it out is not. The words you used like "of course" and "such an easy job" seem to imply your confidence in doing such a task. I would sincerely look forward to it. Perhaps you would like to offer your services and leadership. Please consider your thoughts before saying them out. Thank you.

This a letter that goes out to them from the inner most of my being...FYI I do not belong to any group that I'm talking about. I only participate in my school sporting events, just a normal student. I'm adopting nerf's stand. no names.

Guess what. When I said that, one of his friends told me that at least they give suggestions for improvement. That if possible, he can be the president and the other guy, the vice. Someone else replied, if he was the president ( the same thing that pple once said to me ), ****** will collapse. Note: only buildings can collapse. What a joke.

YOU! Motor mouth, as May would coin the term. You love to complain about things that some group didnt do. Quite obvious who. All you do is to whine and rant about how inefficient things are and give like 1 billion suggestions. But wait. ITS ALL TALK. Shut up and do it, you'll gain my respect then. Otherwise your silence is appreciated. I do agree on some of the faults and delays but need you use such harsh tone and critical words? YOU talk like as if its damn easy. Even someone as strong and prideful as me can cry in GM, what more that group. Sorry, I cannot seem to comprehend the way YOU talk, its so easy for YOU to say oh do this, and do that....if it was me..if i had the power...blahblahblah. I shall not reply to YOU. No, I'm not like you. NO where near and I have no wish to. I might get contaminated by your eccentric way of thought.

Seriously, I'd love you tell you this. Before you shoot off your motor mouth about others, examine yourself. (I learned the hard way for this lesson) You seem to be able to pinpoint everything about others, WOW. I could only do that on my former sch. deliquents. What about yourself? Right, I forgot you're that high and mighty, with little flecks of flaws, invisible to the naked eye. You have no idea how many people are mocking at your foolishness and immaturity yet you continue this battle with courage and a valient spirit. WOW again. You can be so sensitive to others people's weakness, that speck in their eye and be oblivious to the PLANK on your eye.

YOU deserve my utmost "RESPECT". When I see you in school, I'd be sure to send that snigger down my face. Wait, I'm going far away from you. Yes, I know in school, you never hear anything about this from me. Well, I dont want to get involved or say much since I'm in no position to do so. I rant my frustrations here. Sorry, I cant continue to pretend that I can talk to you etc when I am in fact highly digusted by you. Tell me what "that guy that chased me home and got angered by randall quek" can do, and I'll tell you WORSE. I am utterly DISGUSTED.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
cassMANdra :) 6:36 PM 」

I cannot resist but post my comments. I cannot believe what I am hearing these days. I cant say anything out here lest I get bombarded for some blogging offense or whatsoever. I am dismayed by some of the things my schoolmates, note: they're not my school friends, remarked on some portal. My JAW DROPPED literally. I thought the pupil's suggestion scheme in AHEM with some hilarious feedback was bad enough. Its worse here.

I remember Sheena Han, for those that know who I am talking about. She once said, not to be bothered by the students, they're just kids. Its always that same phrase: they're just kids. I really get what she meant.

What is the use of making sarcastic comments about certain things or a certain group of people, (I am trying to be vague here, to cover my back.) when all it does is to let people have a good laugh about your immaturity and childishness? It is appalling that I ever in my ENTIRE life come across such suggestions that seem most absurd to me. I guess some might applaud these people for mocking or being sarcastic about things, for having the courage to speak out loud. But when you think about in greater depth, they're making a fool of themselves and they dont realise it. Some joker posted comments lamenting on the fact on how the system sucks. Everything they say contains some form of satire, irony and contradiction. My image of them -- ruined. I am speechless. Seriously, JC students, top 25% of the year, say such things like asOWE&R@#^@)(*@())(&. If you want to know, ask me. I'll direct you personally.